Ivy Tech Community College 2009 - 2011
Associates, Associate of Arts
Sql Software Development Data Analysis Oracle Database Data Analytics Sql Report Writing Oracle Sql Developer Microsoft Sql Server Windows Ibm Aix Microsoft Office Ftp Cascading Style Sheets Sap Businessobjects Crystal Reports Jitterbit Customer Service Visual Basic For Applications Remote Desktop Remote User Support Medical Terminology
Abby Cook (1998-2002), Pat Cole (1990-1994), Greg Fertuck (1967-1971), George Bergmann (1952-1956), Kent Dubreuil (1980-1984), Jared Forsyth (1999-2003)
Abby Cook (1974-1978), Kendra Hays (2002-2006), Brenda Brooks (1968-1972), Kathleen Carlson (1968-1972), Thomas Bahr (1975-1979)
Abby Cook
Marcus Whitman Junior High School - Drama!!
I am a 7th grader at Marcus Whitman Jr. High. Bikes & Beads is my online Etsy shop. It sells jewelry made of various recycled materials and carton wallets. Duct tape bows coming soon!!