Northshore University Healthsystem
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
Midwestern University Jul 2013 - Jun 2014
Pgy2 Pharmacy Practice Resident - Critical Care
Northshore University Healthsystem Jul 2012 - Jun 2013
Pgy1 Pharmacy Resident
Target Nov 2004 - May 2012
Pharmacy Intern
Midwestern University (Il) Jan 1, 2008 - 2012
Doctorates, Doctor of Pharmacy, Pharmacy
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Jan 1, 2003 - 2008
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Business, Chemistry
Clinical Pharmacy Certified Immunizer Patient Counseling Patient Education Pharmacokinetics Epic Systems Medication Reconciliation Bls Acls Critical Care Pyxis
The new finding is a classic example of serendipity in science, says coauthor Adam Linstedt, a cell biologist at Carnegie Mellon. His team has been exploring the somewhat mysterious cellular role of a protein called GPP130. Then a colleague at the University of California, Santa Cruz reported the
Date: Jan 21, 2012
Category: Health
Source: Google
Carnegie Mellon University Study Reveals Potential of Manganese in ...
rovide a way to neutralize the potentially lethal effects of a compound known as Shiga toxin. New results published in the Jan. 20 issue of Science by Carnegie Mellon biologists Adam Linstedt and Somshuvra Mukhopadhyay show that manganese completely protects against Shiga toxicosis in animal models.
"Manganese is inexpensive," said study researcher Adam Linstedt, professor of biological sciences at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh."An inexpensive, accessible treatment not a designer drug is the ideal solution, because Shiga toxin infections plague so many people in developing nation
Date: Jan 20, 2012
Category: Health
Source: Google
Deadly E. Coli Toxin Can Be Stopped With Manganese, Researchers Say
An inexpensive, accessible treatment -- not a designerdrug -- is the ideal solution, said Adam Linstedt, a biologistat Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and a study author,in a statement. Most of the illnesses from Shiga take place inthe developing world, so cheapness is important, he s