Alan Yagi 1978 graduate of Livingston High School in Livingston, CA is on See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with Alan ...
Alan Yagi (1964-1968), Robin Martin (1992-1996), Melissa Yamanaka (1998-2002), Ellen May Cook (1955-1957), Ardyth Skyles (1965-1969), Warren Kawamoto (1975-1979)
Alan Yagi (1970-1975), Bob Hernan (1968-1971), Chris Webb (1994-1995), Eleyne Tanaka (1982-1987), Alejandro Washington (1992-1995)
Alan Yagi
Livingston, CA Concord, CA Merced, CA Modesto, CA
Livingston HIgh School - Gen Ed, Merced College - Music, Academy of Art University - Photography, California State University, Sacramento - Vocational Ed Teaching Credential Program, University of California, Berkeley - Vocational Ed Teaching Credential Program