Jan 2013 to 2000 RecruiterPolitical Work Ferguson, MO Jul 2012 to Aug 2012 Poles workerSix Flags St. Louis St. Louis, MO Jul 2011 to Oct 2011 Parks service, Ride Operator
Ali Wilson
FedEx (2011)
Ali Wilson
Studio of willow tree records
Ali Wilson
Full time public sector, part time masters student with a love for Reggae, Jungles, PsyTrance, web2.0, Poi, development, cider, arguments, dark comedy, rum and raving.
A neighbour who was walking his dog near the house this morning said: "If it can happen here it can happen anywhere." A Scottish tourist, Ali Wilson, 23, said: "It's quite frightening. "You don't expect to see something like this on your front door," she said, adding that she had just moved in to th