30A Realty, Inc. 45 Sugar Sand Lane, Suite D 8502315030 (Office), 8509742676 (Cell), 8502312530 (Fax)
I have been in the Santa Rosa Beach Market area for 25 years. I have helped buyers and sellers in the Seagrove Beach and Scenic 30 A corridor to find the best price for their investments. I am a member of the Emerald Coast Association of Realtors as well as the Bay County Association of Realtors. I was Realtor of the Year for South Waltonin 1998 and was also Ambassador of the Year for Walton County. I am the Broker and co-owner of 30A Realty, Inc. and my office has been involved in many of the developments in South Walton.
Jack Wilson, Theron Caudel, Haskell Sawyers, Kenneth Turner, Harold Brandon, Wesley Mcnutt, Alonzo Hurt, David Wilkerson, James Swafford, Sherida Walls
In its mental-health section, the commission's report will also explore "the systems that did or did not fail Adam Lanza," said Dr. Alice Forrester, panel member and executive director of the Clifford Beers Guidance Clinic in New Haven.