Anaflor Graham

from Stuart, FL

Also known as:
  • Anaflor Q Graham
Phone and address:
6931 Harbor St, Stuart, FL 34996

Anaflor Graham Phones & Addresses

  • 6931 Harbor St, Stuart, FL 34996 • 7729346723
  • Los Altos, CA
  • Saratoga, CA
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Anaflor Q. Graham
14910 S0Bey Rd, Saratoga, CA 95070
14910 Sobey Rd, Saratoga, CA 95070

Us Patents

  • Caffeine Detection Via Internally-Referenced Two Part Assay

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  • US Patent:
    8137984, Mar 20, 2012
  • Filed:
    May 11, 2009
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Anaflor Q. Graham - Saratoga CA, US
    Carralee Hathaway - Saratoga CA, US
    Mark S. Geisberg - Arcadia CA, US
  • Assignee:
    PurpleCow LLC. - Los Gatos CA
  • International Classification:
    G01N 33/53
  • US Classification:
    436514, 436518, 436525, 436810, 436816, 436901
  • Abstract:
    Methods, compositions, and apparatus for detecting the presence of caffeine in a liquid sample are provided. In certain embodiments, an internally referenced competitive assay allows a very precise determination of a threshold value of caffeine for use in semiquantitative types of ligand-receptor assays. By using a detection means that participates in two assays, sensitivity is doubled in the maximum sensitivity range and the range can be adjusted to match the predicted concentration range of an analyte. This format and the materials described herein allow the assay to complete within three minutes. In addition, this format accommodates common attributes of liquid samples for detecting caffeine, such as the inclusion of milk or sugar in a coffee-type beverage.
  • Caffeine Detection Using Internally Referenced Competitive Assays

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  • US Patent:
    7569396, Aug 4, 2009
  • Filed:
    Sep 8, 2006
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Anaflor Q. Graham - Saratoga CA, US
    Carralee Hathaway - Saratoga CA, US
    Mark S. Geisberg - Arcadia CA, US
  • Assignee:
    PurpleCow LLC - Redwood City CA
  • International Classification:
    G01N 33/553
  • US Classification:
    436514, 436 20, 436518, 436525, 436810, 436816, 436901, 435 71, 435 791, 435 792, 435 793, 435970, 435973, 435975
  • Abstract:
    Methods, compositions, and apparatus for detecting the presence of caffeine in a liquid sample are provided. In certain embodiments, an internally referenced competitive assay allows a very precise determination of a threshold value of caffeine for use in semiquantitative types of ligand-receptor assays. By using a detection means that participates in two assays, sensitivity is doubled in the maximum sensitivity range and the range can be adjusted to match the predicted concentration range of an analyte. This format and the materials described herein allow the assay to complete within three minutes. In addition, this format accommodates common attributes of liquid samples for detecting caffeine, such as the inclusion of milk or sugar in a coffee-type beverage.

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