University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Department of Athletics Las Vegas, NV Jul 1993 to Jun 2000 Human Resource Specialist
University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV 1984 Master of Arts in EnglishUniversity of Nevada Las Vegas, NV 1982 Bachelor of Arts in EnglishMitchell High School Colorado Springs, CO Diploma
The Woman Who Changed Her Brain: Barbara Arro...
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is the Creator and Director of Arrowsmith Sch...
13m 57s
Rethinking failure: Barbara Corcoran at TEDxB...
In her TEDxBarnardColle... talk, Barbara Corcoran kicks off the day w...
14m 36s
Isolation is the dream-killer, not your attit...
According to Barbara Sher we have to change our common understanding o...
21m 19s
Courage to Fail: Richard Sudek at TEDxChapmanU
Entrepreneur Richard Sudek discuses the fear of failure and its many b...
18m 17s
A Journey Through The Gut & Sweet Sleep - Bar...
International Health Lecturer presenting at Bracknell, UK. 2nd October...
1h 31m 31s
Learning how to learn | Barbara Oakley | TEDx...
Barbara Oakley, PhD, PE is a professor of engineering at Oakland Unive... reconnects people with friends and alumni from high school, college, and other communities. People use to find friends, ...