Beau is ranked in the top 2% of NRT real estate brokers nationwide (out of 45,000 agents) and is a member of Corcoran's distinguished Multi-Million Dollar Club. Beau's diverse background makes him unique among real estate brokers. Prior to joining Corcoran, his can-do attitude and strategic thinking were put to the test in the United States Marine Corps. After serving, Beau co-founded FormulaWEB Technologies, Inc, a New York-based web development company that helped businesses effectively translate their brand onto the Internet. Beau has developed a unique marketing platform that, when combined with Corcoran's trusted brand and extensive web presence, ensures you realize the highest price possible for your property. Beau graduated Magna Cum Laude from Hunter College University, in the Upper East Side. When he is not selling New York real estate, Beau enjoys restoring old houses, and spending time with his family.