ding to that promise is the fact that we are graduating very few of our athletes and none of our top scorers. A lot of credit needs to go to coach Rebecca Hayes who spends a lot of team with each athlete working with them to achieve their best every week. Without the guidance of Hayes, this girls
For a day it looked like the vicious cycle economists worry about could come true - market pessimism about Washington's ability to get the deficit under control hurting the economy and making it even harder to get the deficit under control. The White House has been eager to project optimism in the face of these market worries. And the president had an opportunity to do so today when he was asked by Dr. Rebecca Hayes about the three Democrats and three Republicans in the Senate working together on a deficit plan.Professor REBECCA HAYES (History, Northern Virginia Community College): My question is, are you encouraged to see more of the bipartisanship like the Gang of Six that has formed recently, addressing some of the very concerns you've mentioned? Do you think we're going to see more of that?