Us Army
Security Manager
Us Army
Intelligence Analyst
Bose Corporation Aug 2010 - Jan 2012
Telesis Aug 2010 - Jan 2012
Training Specialist
Central Texas College 2014 - 2016
Associates, Computer Programming
Cochise College 2012 - 2015
Sussex Central High School 2009 - 2012
University of Phoenix
Decentralization Business Analysis Counterinsurgency Counterterrorism Reconnaissance Military Training Networking Defense Intelligence Intelligence Analysis Military Military Operations Operational Planning Security Clearance Tactics Dod Army Military Experience Force Protection Program Management Top Secret Information Assurance Government Command National Security Organizational Leadership Security Operations Government Contracting Weapons Homeland Security Physical Security Security Critical Thinking Security Management Policy
Politics Science and Technology Children Arts and Culture
What is disclosed is a wheel, typically for use in conjunction with an agricultural irrigation system such as a pivot or wheel line. The wheel has a disc shaped body having a hub to attach to an external frame. The wheel has a plurality of feet attached to the circumference of the body. The feet are generally channel shaped having two ends at either end of the channel. The feet are positioned at the circumference of the body either on the circumference or in indentations or grooves on the circumference such that the ends of the feet overhang the body. Preferably the feet have a space, opening or void between the feet to allow for the passage of snow, mud or other material.
BDM Consulting I've graduating from BYU-Idaho in December 09, with a BA of Business Management with an emphasis in Supply Chain Management. I'm currently working for BDM... I've graduating from BYU-Idaho in December 09, with a BA of Business Management with an emphasis in Supply Chain Management. I'm currently working for BDM Consulting Inc by optimizing their website and online marketing program.
While at BYU-Idaho I was the SIFE (Students In Free Enterprise)...
Outdoor recreation can be a lot of fun, but it entails consistent practice and continuing education, especially when in charge of others, says Benjamin Beck, Outdoor Programs manager. When we do not have appropriate expertise, we work with outside experts or gain required expertise.
"I don't think anybody knows for absolutely certain that zoos are inappropriate places for elephants or appropriate for elephants," said Benjamin Beck, associate director of the National Zoo in Washington from 1986 to 2003.