A drafting machine which employs two variable speed and one constant speed motors. A pencil is moved along both X- and Y-axes by means responsive to the speed differentials of the motors. Speeds of the motors are controlled by an electrical circuit having a plurality of off-on switches and a plurality of rocking switches. The latter load counters from a pulse generator into counters for straight line, circle, spiral and logarithmic spiral controls which control activation of resistors which govern the speeds of the two variable speed motors. Indicators indicate to the operator the direction in which the pencil is moving, the diameter of a circle being drawn, the increment (or decrement) of a spiral being drawn as compared with a circle and the increment (or decrement) of a logarithmic spiral being drawn as compared with a spiral.
Fallout 3: where to find butch
Where to find Butch for a sidekick in fallout 3, he is in Rivet City i...