from San Jose, CA
Jason Donovan (Tick/Mitzi), Oliver Thronton (Adam/Felicia) & Tony Shel...
DIRTY HARRY es un colectivo artstico que incorpora Msica, Moda y Fotog...
Video del Arte en Dorado Alejandra Navarro Fabiola Rodriguez Bernadett...
Priscilla Queen of the Desert's Will Swenson (Tick/Mitzi), Nick Adams ...
Short Film. Family Drama category. Starring Karen Navarro, Aimee Gale ...
Inaaalay ko ang song na to' kay Jennylyn Bernadette Querubin.... This ...
Written by: Bernadette Navarro & Christian Suliguin Voice-Over: Rod Wi...
Segment Producer: Rowena Campoy Host: Bernadette Sembrano AP: Mary MIc...