A calculator, comprising a keyboard having keys, each key having tactile symbols which indicate in Braille the numeral or function that the key represents. The calculator communicates its calculated numerical results visually, audibly, and tactiley. The tactile indication provides the result by a series of counting pulses, which represent the numerals in the result, the numerals separated by numerals spaces. The speed that the result is tactiley communicated is controllable by the user.
Congressional District 12 Candidates Gear Up ...
Democrats Bonnie Watson Coleman, Linda Greenstein, Upendra Chivukula a...
3m 3s
QVC model Bonnie split her LOGO pants
Yeah we are getting limited now in black cherry and up watch spawning ...
BuildingNY: Rene Greenstein, Pres. & Owner, ...
Building New York, a lively conversation hosted by Michael Stoler, New...
Assem. Bonnie Watson-Coleman at Somerset Coun...
Somerset County, NJ Democratic Committee Nominating Convention NJ Stat...
6m 35s
Misbehaving Renee Greenstein scared straight ...
1m 13s
Renee Greenstein says effin on QVC with Mary ...
Mary looks like she's holding back tears after Renee loses control.