Joy Global - Longview, Texas Area since Jan 2001
Cad Designer
Guice Engineering Jul 2000 - Jan 2001
CAD Drafter
Turbine Resources Dec 1997 - Apr 1998
CAD Drafter
Cisco-Eagle Jan 1995 - Jul 1997
Skillsoft Online 2012 - 2012
Intermediate and Advanced Microsoft Excel Training
Skillsoft Online 2012 - 2012
Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Microsoft Access
ITT Tech 1994 - 1995
AAoS CADD, Drafting
Longview High School 1991 - 1994
High School, Math and Drafting
Solid Edge AutoCAD Electrical Excel Microstation PowerPoint CAD Machining Parts Welding Assembly Microsoft Office Materials Manufacturing Word Outlook Windows Production Troubleshooting Sheet Metal Drawing