Much knowledge withing the equine world • much knowledge with all most animals/pets • CPR and First Aid Certified • good computer skills • great customer service skills • skilled and trained on all hair care • skincare and nail care services.
Jun 2011 to Jun 2013 Assistant Riding Instructor- SameK-I-N Athens, AL 2012 to 2012 InternshipCamp Toccoa Rd Toccoa, GA 1992 to Jun 2011 Assistant Riding InstructorMountain Laurel Saddlebreds Baldwin, GA 2007 to 2010 Assistant
North Georgia Technical College 2012 to 2013 Master in CosmetologyGainesville State College 2010 to 2011 PsychologyStephens County High School 2005 to 2010 High School Diploma
Much knowledge withing the equine world, much knowledge with all most animals/pets, CPR and First Aid Certified, good computer skills, great customer service skills, skilled and trained on all hair care,skincare and nail care services.