which one source called her Tropic Thunder moment. The plan was hatched by Jolie and the two women who, multiple sources say, have become her closest confidantes, Lady Arminka Helic and Chloe Dalton, once aides to former British Foreign Secretary and Conservative party stalwart William Hague. Hel
Date: Feb 22, 2017
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Angelina Jolie Is Plotting Her Comeback – Will Hire Top PR For Divorce Damage Control
efore including Judy Smith, Washington D.C. crisis specialist, Lady Arminka Helic of the UK House of Lords and Chloe Dalton fellow Hague aide. These high profile advisers have helped the UN High Commissioners throughout the years and Angie has apparently sought help from them for her personal affairs.
Date: Feb 14, 2017
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Angelina Jolie's Not Hiring a Publicist to Win Over Brad Pitt Supporters
image stay squeaky clean: Washington, D.C., crisis specialist Judy Smith,former adviser to Britains ex-Foreign Secretary Lady Arminka Helic and former British Foreign Secretary aide Chloe Dalton. Jolie has also brought back on her former manager, Geyer Kosinski, who quit working for her in 2013.
Date: Feb 13, 2017
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Custody Battle Gets Even Nastier, She Reportedly Wants To Cut Him Out Completely
he Sun, two of Jolies close advisors from Britain have been guiding the actress every move since the breakup. Jolies relationship with Chloe Dalton and Arminka Helic created a lot of problems in her marriage, especially once Brad Pitt couldnt even talk to Jolie without them being present.
Date: Dec 13, 2016
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Inside Angelina Jolie's Plot to 'Destroy' Brad Pitt In Divorce, Custody Battle
Two politicos she met through her humanitarian work, Arminka Helic and Chloe Dalton, both former advisers to onetime U.K. foreign secretary William Hague, helped her. Helic aided Jolie in nabbing a 2017 professorship at the London School of Economics.
Date: Sep 28, 2016
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
The inner circle allegedly helping Jolie smear Pitt
Lady Arminka Helic, a Bosnian-born member of the UK House of Lords and a former adviser to Britains ex-foreign secretary William Hague, and fellow former Hague aide Chloe Dalton have been behind Jolies campaign against Pitt after she filed for divorce, multiple sources tell Page Six.
Date: Sep 26, 2016
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Brad Pitt's argument with son Maddox led to Angelina Jolie filing for divorce
Pitt is said to have been furious over Jolie'sappointment of Arminka Helic, 48, and Chloe Dalton, 37, two former political aides to British politician William Hague. A source told theSun they were brought in to help with her campaign work and speech writing and urged Pitt to reduce the couple's su
Date: Sep 23, 2016
Source: Google
Brad Pitt Lawyers Up for Angelina Jolie Divorce Fight (Exclusive)
Jolie does not have a traditionalpublicist, but sources say she is being advised by Chloe Dalton and Arminka Helic. Helic served as special adviser to William Hague, the former First Secretary of State for the UK.Dalton is also a former aide to Hague, according to the UK's Telegraph.