Matthew Nimmo - Ludwigsburg, DE Matthias Hey - Wuerzburg, DE Christopher Dzumaryk - Milford MI, US Flavio Nardi - Farmington Hills MI, US Andris Samsons - Ann Arbor MI, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
701038000, 280735000
In a rollover stability method for a vehicle in a situation which is critical with respect to the driving dynamics, a critical rollover situation is detected by analyzing a control variable and the stabilization intervention is activated or de-activated as a function of the control variable. The regulation intervention is maintained even in driving situations featuring relatively low transverse acceleration if the control variable or a characteristic property of the stability algorithm is calculated as a function of the steering angle and/or the longitudinal vehicle velocity.
Exhibition 89-97 Christopher Godso Louisiana ...
2018 Southeast Regional - Exhibition 89-97 Christopher Godso Louisiana...
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