Top Secret Clearance, DOD Emergency Preparedness, CIA Small Scale Production, Hazardous Materials Incident Management, Defense Nuclear Weapons School WMD Response, Field Management of Biological and Chemical Casualties, ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents, Department of Homeland Security National Planners Course, Chemical Pre-Command Course, Post Blast Investigation, Incident Command System, Emergency Response to Terrorism, Airlift Planners Course, Risk Management, Clandestine Laboratory Investigations, Air Assault, Joint Civil-Military Operations Course, Training Officer/NCO Course, Disaster Services, Program Manager Course, WMD Crime Scene Management, WMD Crime Scene HazMat Evidence Collection, Battalion Supply Course, National Incident Management System, Permit Required Confined Space, Technical Escort Course, Environmental Sampling, Hazardous Materials Technician, Street Smart Chemisty, Dynamics of International Terrorism, Computer Security Training, Fiscal Law Course, Incident Management System (ICS) 100, NIMS 300, NIMS 400, Hazardous Materials First Responder, HazMat Core Operational Level, Master Resilience Instructor, Commanders Safety Course, Advanced Explosive Technology, Bombings, Terrorism Trends, Bomb Threats and Hazardous Devices, H&K Submachine Gun, DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, Emergency Vehicle Operations, FBI Interview and Interrogation Techniques, Crime Scene Processing, Medicological Investigation of Death, Special Response Team, Simmunition Ammunition Instructor, Confrontational Simulation Instructor, Counterdrug Reaction Team Course, Tactical Rope Techniques, Community Policing and Problem Solving, Principles of Mantracking, Police Professionalism and Integrity