2013 to 2000 Postdoctoral ScientistAlbert Einstein College of Medicine
2012 to 2013 Postdoctoral Research ScientistThe Rockefeller University New York, NY 2012 to 2013 Visiting Research FellowThe City College of The City University of New York New York, NY 2012 to 2012 Postdoctoral Research FellowThe City College of The City University of New York New York, NY 2012 to 2012 Graduate Research Assistant
The City University of New York New York, NY 2004 to 2012 PhD in PhysicsMiddle East Technical University 2002 to 2004 Master of Science in Physics EducationMiddle East Technical University 1999 to 2002 Bachelor of Science in Physics
Deniz Temel
Her Oyun Her Bilgi, Hırsız Kasabası'ndan bana ulaşabilirsiniz. Club Penguin'deki kullanıcı adım Penguen2005, The Mummy Online'daki de Penguen2005 ve Star86'daki ise denefefde'dir...
Friends: Fatih Metin, Samet Korukmaz, Serhat Altndal, Erkan Dili, Ismail KilicDeniz Temel Facebook'ta. Deniz Temel ve tanyor olabilecein dier kiilerle iletiime gemek iin Facebook'a katl. Facebook insanlara paylamann gcn ...