- Tualatin OR, US Dieter JAROFSKI - Tualatin OR, US
International Classification:
G01N 27/22
A humidity sensor that includes a humidity sensitive material. A sensing circuit associated with the humidity sensitive material estimates the ambient humidity based upon the humidity sensitive material. A heating element is associated with the humidity sensitive material. A temperature circuit increases the temperature proximate the humidity sensitive material and thereafter the sensing circuit estimates the ambient humidity.
Interview: | Tomorrow Today
Talk | Professor Dieter Breitschwerdt will join us in the studio to di...
3m 33s
Studio Guest: D. Breitschwerdt | Tomorrow Today
How are astronomical discoveries changing our picture of the world? An...
3m 35s
Are we really happy or pretend to be | Otajo...
Otajon said that if you search the definition of the word happiness, p...
10m 40s
Digital Classicist Seminar Berlin (2012/2013)...
Dr. des. Patrick Sahle and Ulrike Henny (Cologne Center for eHumanitie...
15m 3s
Daf Yomi Nedarim Daf 50 by R Eli Stefansky
Thank You For Learning The Daf Yomi Today With Us! 00:00 - Good Mornin...
44m 17s
Pro tip of the week: tighten the screws of yo...
I use two Jaspers keystands in my studio to accommodate my synthesizer...