Nexpress (heidelberg) - electro photographic systems - eastman kodak - Rochester, NY
May 2000
Development technician
School / High School:
(GCC) Genesee Community College- Batavia, NY
Associates in Computer Systems and Networking Technology
Dependable • enthusiastic individual • with academic experience in networking u... • and Microsoft Server 2008 R2 coupled wit... • Access Database • PowerPoint • C++ • Java and many other software languages.... • assessing and diagnosing problems with m... • including software and electronic subsys...
NexPress (Heidelberg) - Electro photographic Systems - Eastman Kodak Rochester, NY May 2000 to Oct 2010 Development TechnicianEastman Kodak Rochester, NY Dec 1981 to May 2000 Electronic Technician
(GCC) Genesee Community College Batavia, NY 2012 Associates in Computer Systems and Networking TechnologyUSAF Avionics School Military Service honorable discharge USAF Graduate USAF Avionics School - Automatic Flight Control Systems Specialist
Dependable, enthusiastic individual, with academic experience in networking using Cisco equipment, and Microsoft Server 2008 R2 coupled with 25yrs. work experience as a development technician. Technically proficient in Microsoft Excel, Access Database, PowerPoint, C++,Java and many other software languages. A strong background in electronics and skilled software designer of automated manufacturing tooling. Proficient in trouble-shooting, assessing and diagnosing problems with manufacturing test equipment, including software and electronic subsystems.
Kess & Donald - WYTM (Waste Time) [Official V...
Produced by Jajii. Mix and Mastered by Jojo F. Follow Kess: Follow D...
3m 37s
KAHM 2019
1h 59m
William Kermeen Donald Geonor Adam Clarke Ccd...
Provided to YouTube by Noisely William Kermeen Donald Geonor Adam Clar...
9m 50s
"I Got Crabs From Darth Vader" by Robert Lund
Robert Lund is a comedy musician who is best known for performing song...
3m 2s
JURASSIC PARK THE NOVEL: Einfhrungen - Winds ...
Gehen wir ein stck zurck in die Vergangenheit. Lasst euch von Donald G...
3m 28s
The 2022 Kahn Humanities Lecture with Masha G...
The 2022 Kahn Humanities lecture presents Masha Gessen, whose nonficti...