TRIQUINT SEMICONDUCTOR Richardson, TX Feb 2013 to Aug 2013 Machine OperatorGARNETT METAL ELECTRONIC Garland, TX 2012 to 2013ARROWFAB MANUFACTURING Dallas, TX 2011 to 2012 Machine OperatorST MICROELECTRONICS Carrollton, TX 1999 to 2009ST MICROELECTRONICS
1999 to 2009 Manufacturing SpecialistSOUTHLAND CORPORATION
1980 to 1999 Assistant Manager
Kim Jong Un's elite bodyguards run beside his car because of a Clint Eastwood movie
North Korean bodyguards run along a limousine transporting North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un upon his arrival at the border town with China in Dong Dang, Vietnam, February 26, 2019. REUTERS/ Stringer
Date: Jul 02, 2019
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
A smoke break and a sprinting translator: Kim Jong Un under rare media scrutiny in Vietnam
e in North Korean state media might not allow. When he completed its 2,000-mile train journey in Dong Dang, a city on the Vietnamese border with China, the train initially stopped slightly too early for his door to line up to the red carpet, prompting a delay as the train shifted back into place.
Date: Feb 26, 2019
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
The Latest: North Korea's Kim gets in limo after train trip
Vietnamese troops in crisp white uniforms and black boots stood at attention Tuesday to welcome Kim on a red carpet beneath large North Korean and Vietnamese flags at the Dong Dang railway station on the China-Vietnam border. A crowd gathered along the road near the station to wave North Korean flag
Date: Feb 25, 2019
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
North Korean media confirm Kim Jong Un is on train to 2nd summit
The Communist Party's mouthpiece Nhan Dan newspaper late Friday quoted the Department of Roads as saying the ban will first apply to trucks 10 tons or bigger, and vehicles with nine seats or more on the 170-kilometer (105-mile) stretch of Highway One from Dong Dang, the border town with China, to Ha
Date: Feb 23, 2019
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
The Latest: Train possibly taking Kim to summit enters China
It implies Kim may take a train and disembark at the Dong Dang railway station and proceed by car to Hanoi. It is not known if he will travel by train from Pyongyang via China or fly to a nearby Chinese city. Kim's overseas travel plans are routinely kept secret.
Elizabeth Young (1965-1969), Thomas McGarity (2000-2004), John Clegg (1996-1999), Dong Dang (1993-1997), Lea Anne Lamb (1978-1982), Twanna Torain (1990-1994)