age ~81
from Provo, UT
Playing the new song "Maps" which will be on my new album to be releas...
The Little Ice Age Presentation - Part (2/2) Given by Baron Douglas l'...
Another person's opinion (strangely similar to Rev. Douglas') on Yello...
Young swiss Vocal Ensemble "Cantalon" sings in church service ( excerp...
Logan High Crimson Colony Choir December 19 2012.
Jena Jubilee Singers beim Weihnachtskonzer... am 17.12.2018 in Jena. .
Der gemischte Chor "Teutonia Nordeck" singt "Alleluia" von Douglas Bre...
Weihnachtskonzer... der Jena Jubilee Singers 2018, Aula der Friedrich...