Edward Hillis


from Houston, AR

Edward Hillis Phones & Addresses

  • Houston, AR


W Daniel Hillis How Edward Teller was set up...

Born in 1956, US inventor, scientist, engineer and visionary W Daniel ...

  • Duration:
    3m 29s

Danny Hillis: Back to the future (of 1994)

From deep in the TED archive, Danny Hillis outlines an intriguing theo...

  • Duration:
    19m 11s

Breakthrough Tools for Neuroscience - Danny H...

Dr. Danny Hillis at the BrainMind Summit hosted at Stanford, interview...

  • Duration:
    7m 16s

Day at Night: Edward Teller, nuclear physicist

CUNY TV is proud to re-broadcast newly digitized episodes of DAY AT NI...

  • Duration:
    28m 39s

Building the Future - Daniel Hillis

In the fourth episode of our Building the Future series, American inve...

  • Duration:
    5m 52s

Edward Teller interview on the Atomic Bomb (1...

What occurred in central Europe in the first decades of this century w...

  • Duration:
    1h 46m 22s


Edward Hillis Photo 1

Canton High School, Canto...

view source
Cinnamon Coffey (1997-2001),
Edward Hillis (1963-1967),
Derek Derek Smith (1973-1977),
Norman Hull (1979-1983),
Elisabeth Arrenholz (1996-2000)
Edward Hillis Photo 2

Northview High School, Co...

view source
Marianne Digrazia (1969-1973),
Shameka McDowell (1996-2000),
Charlotte Gardner (1962-1966),
Edward Hillis (1974-1978),
Frank Familari (1978-1982)
Edward Hillis Photo 3

Brooklyn Technical High S...

view source
Edward Hillis (1947-1951),
Bert Krieger (1967-1971),
Ira Ofsink (1955-1959),
Joel Dubow (1957-1961),
Charisse Turner (1991-1995),
Vassiliki Siabanis (1990-1994)
Edward Hillis Photo 4

Brooklyn Technical High S...

view source
Domingo Taveras (1985-1989),
Albert Rackett (1949-1953),
George Breniak (1961-1965),
Edward Hillis (1947-1951),
Sendie Faustin (2002-2006)
Edward Hillis Photo 5

Crocus Plains Regional Hi...

view source
James Hindmarch (1990-1994),
Ed Hillis (1982-1986),
Shandar Brunet (1996-2000),
Chris Taylor (1991-1995),
Willadeane Howard (1977-1981)

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