Laura Treibitz - Warwick NY, US Lloyd Treibitz - Warwick NY, US Eleanor Schmidt - New City NY, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
The doll history software is a computer program and system that implements a computerized method for interactive retail sale of a stuffed toy to a customer. The customer participates in interactive activities including inputting information relating to the stuffed toy, inputting the customer's personal identifying information, inputting information relating to a designated recipient for the stuffed toy. Additionally, the customer has her picture taken and interacts with a simulated handprint and footprint scanning operation that gives the effect that the hands and feet of the stuffed toy are being scanned for printing. A personalized memento is printed for the customer. The personalized memento may be in the form of a newspaper or newsletter front page bearing the photo of the customer, or of a birth certificate bearing hand and foot prints of the stuffed toy. Additionally, a memento in the form of a message medallion may be created.
Laura Treibitz - Warwick NY, US Eleanor Schmidt - New City NY, US
International Classification:
A63H003/36 A63H003/02 A63H003/00
US Classification:
446391000, 446369000, 446268000
The message pocket on a doll is a transparent pocket flap affixed to a doll or a stuffed toy. A personalized message medallion, with a message or greeting printed thereon, is inserted into the pocket. The pocket and medallion may be of any shape and located anywhere on a doll or stuffed toy, although the preferred embodiment is a heart-shaped pocket and medallion located on a doll's chest. The medallion is a stiff card or fabric having a message or greeting on a front surface. The medallion may be a stiff paper or card stock, and may be part of a standard sized sheet of paper or card stock with perforations allowing the medallion to be separated from the sheet. Additionally, the medallion may be attached to a ribbon, chain, or the like so that a child can wear the medallion around her neck.
Eleanor Schmidt
Originally a New York girl, now in Florida, loving the sun but missing the snow!
Bragging Rights:
Survived 1 marriage, 1 son, 2 dogs and 16 surgeries!
Faxon Elementary School Murray KY 1960-1966, Millwood Elementary School Oklahoma City OK 1961-1965, San Juan High School Rancho Cordova CA 1974-1974, Walnutwood High School Rancho Cordova CA 1974-1974, Kinney High School Rancho Cordova CA 1974-1974
James Pate, Susan Perry, Lucy Glenn, Kurt Rosenhagen
Eleanor Schmidt - Life Story Digital Video
Life Story Funeral Homes present the life of Eleanor Schmidt of Grand ...
Eleanor Schmidt Funeral Homily
Funeral homily for Fr. Tom Schmidt mother January 2019.
16m 3s
FNaF Theory: The Next VILLAIN Of FNAF... The ...
Join my discord: Subscribe to my SECOND Channel:...
14m 22s
September 12 - Baptism of Eleanor Schmidt
Join us in celebrating the baptism of Eleanor Schmidt. This Saturday f...
7m 41s
Eleanor Louise Griswold Schmidt Integration o...
Eleanor Schmidt, the Voice of the Valley who wanted to ensure the sacr...