While investigators would not release the names of the victims, multiple sources with knowledge of the crash identifiedtwo victims asFrank and CindaEdwards of Springfield. Frank Edwards was aformer Springfield mayor, fire chief and alderman. His wife, Cinda Edwards, wasSangamon County coroner. Frank Edwards, 69, served on the Springfield Fire Department for 25 years before he retired in 2002, having served his final 19 months as chief. He was Ward 1 alderman on the Springfield City Council from 2003 to 2015 except for the few months he served as mayor after the December 2010 death of Ma
Date: Jan 28, 2020
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Attorney General William Barr’s complaints about policing in America ignore his power to fix it
Just this year, researchers Frank Edwards of Rutgers University, Hedwig Lee of Washington University in St. Louis, and Michael Esposito of the University of Michigan analyzed data on fatal police encounters from 2013 to 2018, and found black Americans are 2.5 times more likely to be killed than whit
Date: Dec 04, 2019
Category: World
Source: Google
Before it even begins, our series on organ donation is a surprise
Last April, I had the honorof talkingto the wife of the man whose heart now beats in my father's chest. Frank Edwards, a 46-year-old father of six, drownedin a swimming pool on a hot June night in Chicago.
Date: Apr 04, 2018
Category: Health
Source: Google
Read Gov. John Bel Edwards' complete inauguration speech
Speaking of love, I want to thank the love of my life, my wife Donna, and our children Samantha Bel, Sarah Ellen, and John Miller. Also, I want to thank my mother, Dora Jean Edwards, and pay tribute to my late father Frank Edwards, Jr., who died while the campaign was underway. I miss him terribly a
Date: Jan 11, 2016
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Governor- and first lady-elect release inauguration details
arkel, a classmate of Edwards when they attended the United States Military Academy at West Point.Edwards will be sworn in on his family Bible, which will be presented by his cousin, Frank Edwards III. He is representing the late Frank EdwardsJr., Edwards father and formerTangipahoaParish She
Date: Jan 07, 2016
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Louisianas Mudslinging Governors Race: Can Blue Dog Democrat John Bel Edwards ...
eland (population 1,165). For much of the last century, the parish, which is 30 percent African-American, was known as Bloody Tangipahoa, with a history of lawlessness that included a gruesome chapter involving the Ku Klux Klan. That stigma changed under Sheriff Frank Edwards, John Bels father.dynasties, the Edwards clan takes a back seat to no one. Sheriff Edwardss wife, Blair Downing Edwards, is a juvenile court judge in Tangipahoa. And Frank Edwards III is police chief in the town of Independence, which also lies inside the parish. And the family has some of the deepest roots in the state.lle [a nearby town bordering Lake Pontchartrain.] I have a brother named Morgan. My great great grandfather was Millard Filmore Edwards, sheriff in 1898. He had a son Frank Edwards, who was sheriff from 1928-48my grandfather. He also served in the Louisiana Senate. My dad was an only child. Frank M.
Date: Nov 20, 2015
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Cranbrook Art Museum Shows Off Warhol Record Covers
The exhibition came about after a Cranbrook board member, Frank Edwards, gave his collection of original-issue Warhol record covers as a gift to the museum, Mott said. Edwards was really wanting (his collection) to be out there into the world, said Gregory Wittkopp, the museums director.
He talks about Frank Edwards, the last remaining employee from the original five. He's an executive now, but Hendrick describes a man laying chalk lines in the dirt around a wrecked late-model racer before they cut it in half and spent all night welding it back together so they could tow it back to