Frank J Malinak


from Hamilton, OH

Also known as:
  • Frank J Malina
Phone and address:
40 Columbus Dr, Hamilton, OH 45013

Frank Malinak Phones & Addresses

  • 40 Columbus Dr, Hamilton, OH 45013

Us Patents

  • Depither

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  • US Patent:
    43695485, Jan 25, 1983
  • Filed:
    Jul 23, 1980
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Frank J. Malinak - Hamilton OH
  • International Classification:
    D01B 130
    B02C 1318
  • US Classification:
    19 26
  • Abstract:
    A fiber conditioner comprises an outer casing or enclosure and a perforated screen positioned within the casing. The screen is formed by a plurality of attached invertible and sexless sections. A plurality of hammer assemblies are rotatably positioned within the screen for impelling material fed into the conditioner against the screen in order to separate it into pitch and fiber. A multi-piece shaft rotates the hammer assemblies, which are connected to a rotor shaft assembly forming the central portion of the shaft. An upper stub shaft assembly and a lower stub shaft assembly can be connected to opposite ends of the rotor shaft assembly by clamping. By releasing the clamps, each shaft assembly can be removed from the conditioner in a generally horizontal manner through an opening created by the removal of at least one screen section. The lower stub shaft assembly is hydraulically operable so that it can be driven into engagement with the rotor shaft assembly and force the rotor assembly into clamping engagement with the upper shaft assembly. Each hammer assembly includes a plurality of impulse bars or hammers which can be independently removed and replaced by simply removing fasteners attaching each impulse bar or hammer to a pivotably hinged holder.
  • Depither

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  • US Patent:
    42020786, May 13, 1980
  • Filed:
    Sep 19, 1977
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Frank J. Malinak - Hamilton OH
  • Assignee:
    The Western States Machine Company - Hamilton OH
  • International Classification:
    D01B 130
    B02C 1318
  • US Classification:
    19 26
  • Abstract:
    An improved apparatus for depithing fibrous vegetable material, such as sugarcane bagasse, comprises a rotary hammer assembly suspended from a rigid framework that is supported removably on an upright enclosure which itself is supported in functioning position by a framework on its base. The hammer assembly comprises a plurality of individual stacks of hammers and their holders, each of which constitutes a unit separate from the other stacks and has means individual thereto for adjusting the radial positions of the hammers in the stack relative to a screening wall through which pith is separated from fibers by rotation of the hammer assembly. The screening wall is composed of several perforated arcuate screening sections any of which may be reached through a door in the enclosure, and may be unfastened and displaced to give access to the hammer assembly or for replacement of a screening section. The rotary hammer assembly is powered by a motor connected therewith through a drive transmission that is supported on the enclosure and includes a gear box fitting down onto the shaft of the hammer assembly.


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