Gary Wayne Franklin (born March 9, 1974 in Wilmington, Delaware) is an American Major League Baseball pitcher for the independent Chico Outlaws of the Golden Baseball League.
OFallon IllinoisOwner at Franklin Healthcare Consultants Work with Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Centers as accountant. A CPA. since 1975, working inhouse with clients on thier accounting and reimbursement needs.
Franklin Wayne Music/ENTOURAGE BAND Promo Vid...
Entourage is one of the most popular bands in the Tri-State area. Spec...
6m 18s
Franklin Wayne Music/ELAN BAND
15m 7s
Franklin Wayne Music/Decadia
4m 7s
Franklin Classic Open House 04-4505
This week's virtual #OpenHouse features the Franklin Classic under con...
6m 11s
Franklin Classic - Wayne Homes - Obeo Vir...
Contact: Wayne Homes 866-914-4735 askjulie@wayneho... for more inform...
1m 3s
Franklin Wayne Music/ENTOURAGE BAND- PROMO VI...
Featuring songs from Meghan Trainor, Walk The Moon, Darius Rucker, Jac...