Frederick T Yoshimura


from Lake Forest Park, WA

Also known as:
  • Fred T Yoshimura
  • Fred E Yoshimura
  • Fredrick T Yoshimura
  • Frede Yoshimura
  • Fredk Yoshimura
Phone and address:
3764 153Rd St, Seattle, WA 98155

Frederick Yoshimura Phones & Addresses

  • 3764 153Rd St, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155
  • Seattle, WA

Us Patents

  • Folding Wheelchair

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  • US Patent:
    46405259, Feb 3, 1987
  • Filed:
    Dec 19, 1985
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Tom M. Jensen - Everett WA
    Frederick T. Yoshimura - Seattle WA
    Deborah P. Jensen - Everett WA
  • Assignee:
    The Boeing Company - Seattle WA
  • International Classification:
    B62B 708
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A folding chair assembly for dual use as a wheelchair or a flight attendant's seat onboard a commercial passenger airplane. The folding chair assembly can be manipulated into any of the following modes: (1) fully retracted into a compact assembly that can be stowably secured by a plurality of catches against a vertical wall in the passenger compartment of an aircraft; (2) with the chair assembly still secured to the wall, the seat pan is pulled down against a seat return spring and is usable as a flight attendant's seat; and (3) the folded chair assembly is completely detached from the plurality of retaining catches and fully extended to function as a wheelchair that is usable down the aisles of commercial passenger aircraft.
  • Folding Wheelchair

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  • US Patent:
    46782028, Jul 7, 1987
  • Filed:
    Oct 23, 1986
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Tom M. Jensen - Everett WA
    Frederick T. Yoshimura - Seattle WA
    Deborah P. Jensen - Everett WA
  • Assignee:
    The Boeing Company - Seattle WA
  • International Classification:
    B62B 708
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A folding chair assembly for dual use as a wheelchair or a flight attendant's seat onboard a commercial passenger airplane. The folding chair assembly can be manipulated into any of the following modes: (1) fully retracted into a compact assembly that can be stowably secured by a plurality of catches against a vertical wall in the passenger compartment of an aircraft; (2) with the chair assembly still secured to the wall, the seat pan is pulled down against a seat return spring and is usable as a flight attendant's seat; and (3) the folded chair assembly is completely detached from the plurality of retaining catches and fully extended to function as a wheelchair that is usable down the aisles of commercial passenger aircraft.

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