Gheorghe M Iordanescu

age ~54

from Acton, MA

Also known as:
  • George Iordanescu
  • Iordanescu Gheorghe
  • E Iordanescu

Gheorghe Iordanescu Phones & Addresses

  • Acton, MA
  • Allston, MA
  • Cambridge, MA
  • 8540 Keystone Ave, Skokie, IL 60076 • 8476733390
  • 1585 Ridge Ave, Evanston, IL 60201 • 8474910380
  • 617 Grove St, Evanston, IL 60201 • 8474910380
  • Rockville, MD

Us Patents

  • Quantification Of Plaques In Neuroimages

    view source
  • US Patent:
    20110103656, May 5, 2011
  • Filed:
    Apr 16, 2010
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Gheorghe Iordanescu - Skokie IL, US
    Palamadai N. Venkatasubramanian - Morton Grove IL, US
    Alice Wyrwicz - Lake Forest IL, US
  • International Classification:
    G06K 9/00
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A system and method for determining the location and density of plaques in a neuroimage is disclosed according to one embodiment of the invention. In some embodiments, catchment basins are identified as potential plaque areas (candidate regions) in the neuroimage. The Laplacian of each element within the catchment basins can be calculated and the highest Laplacian in the catchment basin identified as a candidate feature. The local contrast can be computed as the ratio between the local minimum of the catchment basin and the average (or some other statistic like the maximum or minimum) intensity of the neighboring watersheds can be used as another candidate feature. In some embodiments, a classifier can be used to discriminate the candidates into plaques or non-plaques, since plaques tend to have a larger Laplacian and larger local contrast than other brain structures.

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