Euronews 2012 - Jan 2017
Energetic Dc Cameraman
Thompson-Reuters 1993 - 1996
Cameraman and Editor
Gpi Tv Health 1993 - 1996
Owner, Lead Dp
Visnews New York 1992 - 1993
Editor and Satelllite Engineer
Cornell University 2016 - 2016
Cornell University 1993 - 1998
Maine Media Workshops & College 1996 - 1996
Rockport School of Film & Television 1996 - 1996
New York University 1992 - 1992
Federation University Australia 1984 - 1986
Ballarat College (Australia) 1980 - 1984
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science
Video Production Broadcast Media Relations Video Editing Camera Television Documentaries Photography Digital Media Videography Lighting Television Production Tv Production External Affairs Conferences Plant Based Diet Media Training Association Video
Any Airborne Or Ocean Adventure Children Happiest Up In the Sky Kids Especially Photography Nature Or Crashing Through the Waves Health
Corporate Video Specialist at Grant Peacock Images
Washington D.C. Metro Area
Broadcast Media
Grant Peacock Images - Washington DC since Sep 1996
Corporate Video Specialist
Reuters America 1993 - 1996
Visnews New York 1992 - 1993
Editor/Satelllite Engineer
Rockport School of Film & Television 1996 - 1996
NYU 1992 - 1992
University of Ballarat 1984 - 1986
B.App.Sci, Environmental Science
Location Lighting Videographer Media Relations Training Strategic Communications Internal Communications External Affairs Production Event Management Video Production Public Relations Video Conferences Images Media Relations Corporate Communications Crisis Communications Video Editing Executive Communications Broadcast Photos Documentaries Television Production Final Cut Pro Trade Shows
• Photography - nature, kids especially
• Any airborne or ocean adventure. Happiest up in the sky, or crashing through the waves
Honor & Awards:
Dale Carnegie Award for Outstanding Achievement,
National Press Photographer's Association Scholarship
Amharic (introductory level)
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Mr. Grant Peacock President
Swimming Pools By Pleasureway Sales Pleasureway Sales. GOLD RUSH FOODS LTD Spas and Pools. Swimming Pool Contractors. Dealers. Design
2801B Miners Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7K 4Z4 3066530370, 3066534657
Grant Peacock President
The Washington Group Productions Inc Motion Picture/Video Production
938 Westminster St NW, Washington, DC 20001 PO Box 218, Garrett Park, MD 20896 3014617233
Grant Peacock President
Swimming Pools By Pleasureway Sales Spas and Pools · Swimming Pool Contractors · Dealers · Design
3066530370, 3066534657
Grant Peacock
Washington DC
Grant Peacock Images - Owner
University of Ballarat - BSc Environmental Science