Grounded Athlete
Corporate Dining, Inc./Campus Dining, Inc.
Business Intelligence Specialist
Anchor Counseling Pasadena/Santa Clarita
Corporate Academic Athletic Counselor
Assistant Project Manager Contracted Under Corporate Dining
Nooma Oct 2014 - Aug 2015
Azusa Pacific University 2015 - 2017
Masters, Master of Arts, Clinical Psychology
Otterbein University 2011 - 2015
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Spanish
Gilmour Academy 2008 - 2011
Powerpoint Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Public Speaking Microsoft Excel Social Media Event Planning Facebook Leadership Customer Service Research Photoshop Teamwork Java Html Windows Editing Public Relations Graphic Design Time Management Social Networking Psychology Teaching Spanish Event Management Coaching Community Outreach Marketing Fitness English Social Media Marketing Strategic Planning Data Analysis Sales Data Entry Program Development Spss Photo Management Photography
Art Health Children Health and Fitness Education Environment Science and Technology Human Rights Psychology Culinary Civil Rights and Social Action Nutrition Animal Assisted Therapy Psyd Mountain Hiking Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Neuropsychology Eating Disorders Pediatrics Economic Empowerment Animal Welfare Arts and Culture