A range spring sub-assembly providing a variable gradient with minimum hysteresis for the feedback assembly of a pneumatic transmitter. The sub-assembly is constituted by a helical spring whose lower end is secured to the pivoted feedback arm of the feedback assembly and whose upper end is coupled by a span adjustment screw to a fixed arm thereof. The arm porton of the screw extending above the fixed arm is engaged by a zero adjustment knob which rests on top of the fixed arm, whereby when the knob is turned, the screw is axially shifted to vary the tension of the spring coupled thereto. The span adjustment screw has a coupling terminal head that is received within the upper end of the spring and is provided with a set of outwardly projecting pins. The pins are at different heights and are interposed between adjacent convolutions of the spring whereby the pinned convolutions are rendered inactive and the convolutions therebelow remain active. By rotating the screw, the number of active convolutions is varied, thereby varying the gradient of the spring.
A flowmeter of the variable area type capable of measuring corrosive liquids and gases and including a metal metering tube having a corrosion-resistant PTFE liner. To match the corrosion-resistance properties of the lined metering tube, the float assembly operating within the tube is mainly of FEP construction, the float head of the assembly which engages the inner wall of the metering tube being constructed of tantalum.
Herman's Hermits "Henry The VIII, I Am" on Th...
The Ed Sullivan Show was a television variety program that aired on CB...
2m 4s
Herman's Hermits - Henry the VIII/Mrs. Brown ...
From Aug. 10, 1973.
5m 11s
Herman's Hermits "I'm Henry VIII, I Am" on Th...
The Ed Sullivan Show was a television variety program that aired on CB...
1m 2s
The Happiness Boys - Henry's Made a Lady Out ...
Billy Jones and Ernest Hare, with Dave Kaplan at the piano, sing 'Henr...
3m 5s
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas
Composer: Henry Purcell Artists: Musica Ad Rhenum, Musica Ad Rhenum Ch...
55m 27s
Due to several comments asking for a decent quality version of this cl...