Hubert H Bastarache


from Fitchburg, MA

Also known as:
  • Hurbert Bastarache
  • Hubert Bastarche
  • Bastarache Hubert
Phone and address:
350 Water St APT 602, Fitchburg, MA 01420

Hubert Bastarache Phones & Addresses

  • 350 Water St APT 602, Fitchburg, MA 01420
  • 70 Pleasant St, Gardner, MA 01440 • 9786323772
  • Worcester, MA

Us Patents

  • Awning Window

    view source
  • US Patent:
    58990216, May 4, 1999
  • Filed:
    Jul 10, 1997
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Hubert J. Bastarache - Gardner MA
  • International Classification:
    E05F 1124
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    An AWNING WINDOW is provided including a window sill and a window having a sash. Also provided is a window control assembly including a dowel situated within a recess formed in the window sill. The dowel has at least one generally L-shaped arm having a first portion coupled to the dowel. A large gear is concentrically coupled at a central extent of the dowel. A motor is coupled to the top face of the window sill with a small gear coupled to a rotor thereof for engaging the large gear thereby rotating the dowel upon the receipt of power. At least one sleeve is coupled along the one of the side borders of the sash of the window. At least one slider slidably is situated within the sleeve and pivotally coupled with an end of a second portion of the at least one L-shaped arm. By this structure, the window is raised upon the receipt of voltage of a first polarity and lowered upon the receipt of voltage of a second polarity.

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