At a news conference Monday in Springfield, Chief Executive Officer Jacqueline Dowdy said the company was financially stable and able to pay its bills. No hotels are closing, she said, and customers shouldn't notice anything.
Date: Jun 27, 2016
Category: Business
Source: Google
John Q. Hammons declares bankruptcy to focus on legal issues
John Q. Hammons Hotels & Resorts CEO Jacqueline Dowdy says she doesn't anticipate the company's business operations being disrupted because of the Sunday filing in federal bankruptcy court in Kansas City, Kansas.
reene County probate court to appoint Hammons a public guardian. The friends' lawsuit said they weren't being allowed to visit him at a Springfield nursing home or even talk to him on the phone after Jacqueline Dowdy, whom Hammons gave power of attorney several years ago, took control of the John Q.
The friends' lawsuit said they weren't being allowed to visit him at a Springfield nursing home or even talk to him on the phone after Jacqueline Dowdy, whom Hammons gave power of attorney several years ago, took control of the John Q. Hammons Hotels & Resorts in October 2010, purged most of its
Date: May 27, 2013
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
John Hammons, Hotel Developer and Philanthropist, Dies at Age 94
Hammons was a giant in the hospitality industry and wasunwavering in his commitment to exceptional quality and serviceand to giving back to the community, Jacqueline Dowdy, chiefexecutive officer of John Q Hammons Hotels & Resorts, said inthe statement. He was a great mentor and friend an