North CarolinaPast: Senior Engineer at Nortel Networks I was an engineer for almost 20 years for Nortel Networks, a huge telecommunications company that recently went bankrupt. I started my own marketing company... I was an engineer for almost 20 years for Nortel Networks, a huge telecommunications company that recently went bankrupt. I started my own marketing company and ran that for over a year until the economy finally helped me decide to close my office doors, quit struggling with an office, employees...
However, Pucketts resignation will come as two prominent Democrats are out of Virginia. Saslaw is in California visiting his newborn grandchild. Sen. Janet Howell, D-Fairfax, just left on a trip to South Africa that is expected to last through June 24, The Richmond Times-Dispatch has reported.
Date: Jun 08, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Outgoing Virginia governor makes final budget pitch to General Assembly ...
State Sen. Janet Howell, D-Fairfax, said she liked many of the proposals for Virginia's neediest residents but wished for more money for primary and secondary education. The bulk of McDonnell's proposed $583 million increase for public schools would just keep up with growth in enrollment and teacher
Date: Dec 16, 2013
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Medicaid expansion: Stiff resistance in South, Fla. Gov. Scott blasts watered ...
voting members have been appointed to a state commission that will oversee Medicaid reform and expansion in Virginia. Senate Finance Committee chairman Walter Stosch on Thursday named Senators Emmett Hanger, John Watkins, Janet Howell and Louise Lucas to the Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission.
Date: Apr 15, 2013
Category: Health
Source: Google
Virginia transportation deal shows virtues of compromise
But a lot of other people played major roles. The deal was struck only because of political sacrifices and arm-twisting by leaders and negotiators from both parties, including four from Fairfax: Dels. Dave Albo (R) and Vivian Watts (D), and Sens. Dick Saslaw (D) and Janet Howell (D).
Date: Feb 23, 2013
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
All eyes on Va. Senate as it weighs budget, Medicaid
Looking ahead Wednesday, Sen. Janet Howell said Democrats are prepared to support the Senate budget if it includes affirmative acceptance of Medicaid expansion going forward immediately but also calls for program reforms.
All 20 of Virgina's Democratic senators including Arlington-area Sens. Adam Ebbin (D-Alexandria), Barbara Favola (D-Arlington), and Janet Howell (D-Reston) voted against Gov. Bob McDonnell's transportation plan late Tuesday, effectively blocking the Senate's version of the proposal for this legis
Date: Feb 06, 2013
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Senate panel votes to crack down on cigarette smuggling
The sponsor of the legislative package, Sen. Janet Howell, D-Fairfax, said because Virginia's cigarette tax is only 30 cents per pack it is lucrative for smugglers to buy cigarettes at retail outlets in the commonwealth and take them to other states like New York, which has a $5.85 per-pack tax.
The budget includes an amendment supported by Sens. Janet Howell, Fairfax Democrat, and Mark Herring, Loudoun Democrat, that will provide $300 million in bonds to help control rising toll rates on the Dulles Toll Road. Funds generated by the toll road are helping pay for Phase 2 of Metros $6 billio