Summer research fellowship - Duke university graduate school • Conference travel fellowship - Duke university graduate school • Conference travel fellowship - Duke university graduate school • International travel fellowship - Duke university graduate school • Certificate in slavic, eurasian and east european studies - The center for slavic, eurasian, and east european studies (cseees) at duke university • Pre-dissertation fellowship travel award - Duke university graduate school • Travel grant - Department of art, art history & visual studies, duke university • Gulnar bosch travel assistance - Southeastern college art conference • Gulnar bosch travel assistance - Southeastern college art conference • Jack kent cooke foundation graduate scholarship - Jack kent cooke foundation • Combined honors fellowship - Savannah college of art and design • First place at the graduate student art history paper competition - Art history program, savannah college of art and design • Jack kent cooke foundation undergraduate scholar - Jack kent cooke foundation • Presidential scholar - Maryville college • International student award - Maryville college • Bronze medallion award (outstanding academic performance) - Maryville college • Bradford scholar - Maryville college • International student award - Maryville college • Dean’s scholar - Maryville college