Dr. Cross graduated from the Meharry Medical College School of Medicine in 2002. She works in Elkins, WV and 1 other location and specializes in Otolaryngology. Dr. Cross is affiliated with Davis Medical Center.
USDA Forest Service - Budget Analyst (1996) USDA Forest Service - Accounting Technician (1990-1996)
Bragging Rights:
I have one beautiful granddaughter - Carlee!
Jenny Cross
Bragging Rights:
Kentish Maid
Jenny Cross
Jenny Cross
Why am I a 21st century housewife? I have taken on the mission of finding the balance between providing financially for my family and being a happy homemaker as well. Stop by weekly to see how I simplify my 21st century life by applying the biblical principles of womanhood, whole living and the simple and modest style of the 50’s to my 21st century life. Join me on my quest to find creative, healthy, and quick recipe ideas, house cleaning and organization tips, along with biblical encouragement on how to be joyful always in your role as a 21st century housewife!