John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. (November 25, 1960 July 16, 1999), often referred to as John F. Kennedy, Jr., JFK Jr., John Jr. or John- John, was an American ...
WASHINGTON -- The government is asking a federal judge not to expand John Hinckley Jr.'s off-site trips away from St. Elizabeths Hospital in the nation's capital, where he has been confined for nearly three decades following the attempted assassination ...
PGA wants action over John Daly's meltdown at the Australian Open
Having used all the balls in his bag, Daly - seven over at the time and with his girlfriend Anna Cladakis and son John Jr in tow - bid farewell to his playing partners Parry and Hunter Mahan, handed them his scorecard, jumped in a courtesy car and left ...
Mobile, AlabamaInsttor/Patrolman at State of Alabama Alabama state patrol officer, Law Enforcement instructor assigned to the patrol divison Mobile Alabama distric. Retired US Army Special Operations Command. Det... Alabama state patrol officer, Law Enforcement instructor assigned to the patrol divison Mobile Alabama distric. Retired US Army Special Operations Command. Det DELTA. Instructor in Counter Terorism, Instruct Diver resque parsonnel and insatructor for Sniper/ tactical markman for law Enforcement...