The current invention discloses a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag based system that is capable of detecting tampering of a genuine goods. The system comprises an RFID tag, an end node, and a tentacle that electrically connects the RFID tag with the end node. An attempt to remove the RFID tag would cause the tentacle to break so that the electrical/electronic communication between the RFID tag and the end node is disrupted, therefore indicating that the goods has been tampered with.
Systems And Methods For Anti-Counterfeit Authentication
Kin Lee - Hong Kong, HK John Leper - Santa Monica CA, US
International Classification:
G06F 17/00
US Classification:
Systems and methods for preventing counterfeit are described. Consumers are able to authenticate the products they wish to buy and also authenticate the sellers selling the products. Manufacturers or brand owners of the products are able to track and control the distribution of the products to prevent counterfeit and undesired parallel trade.
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
John Leper
Canton, OH
John Leper
Canton, OH
John Leper President
LOS ANGELES SHOPPER Ret Misc Merchandise
1915 Ocean Way, Santa Monica, CA 90405
John Leper Director, President, Secretary, Treasurer
Swanpath Corporation
PO Box 27740, Las Vegas, NV 89126 1244 Stanford St, Santa Monica, CA 90404