John M Tursky

from Hillsborough, NJ

Also known as:
  • M John Tursky
Phone and address:
5 Durham Ct, Millstone, NJ 08844

John Tursky Phones & Addresses

  • 5 Durham Ct, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 • 9083593713
  • Somerville, NJ
  • Naples, FL
  • Belle Mead, NJ
  • 5 Durham Ct, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 • 9087637200


  • Company:
    G & j steel & tubing
    Oct 1982 to Dec 9, 2016
  • Position:


  • Degree:
    Bachelors, Bachelor of Business Administration
  • School / High School:
    University of Maine
  • Specialities:
    Business Management, Accounting


Project Management • Manufacturing Engineering • Manufacturing Operations Management





Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
John Tursky
G & J Steel & Tubing Inc
Fabricated Pipe & Pipe Fitting Mfg
406 Roycefield Rd, Hillsborough, NJ 08844
9085264445, 9085269487, 8003228823
John Tursky
President, Director
Roycefield Technologies of Florida, Inc
10911 Bonita Bch Rd SE, Bonita Springs, FL 34135


John Tursky Photo 1


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5 Durham Ct, Hillsborough, NJ 08844
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
G & J Steel & Tubing Oct 1982 - Dec 9, 2016
University of Maine
Bachelors, Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Management, Accounting
Project Management
Manufacturing Engineering
Manufacturing Operations Management

Us Patents

  • Automotive Exhaust Component And Method Of Manufacture

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  • US Patent:
    7169365, Jan 30, 2007
  • Filed:
    Mar 18, 2003
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Paul B. Lancaster - Loudon TN, US
    John M. Tursky - Hillsborough NJ, US
  • Assignee:
    Evolution Industries, Inc. - West Caldwell NJ
  • International Classification:
    B01D 50/00
    B21D 51/16
  • US Classification:
    422179, 422180, 29890
  • Abstract:
    A catalytic converter for an internal combustion engine exhaust system comprises a single-piece, seamless metal housing having tubulated gas inlet and outlet ports and a tubulated intermediate section with a catalytic element therein. The intermediate section is connected to the inlet port by an inlet transition section and to the outlet port by an outlet transition section. The inlet and outlet ports and the inlet and outlet transition sections are formed by swaging the ends of a seamless tube used to form the housing. Exhaust gas produced by operation of the engine passes into the converter and through the catalytic element. Noxious substances in the exhaust, including CO, NO, and incompletely combusted hydrocarbons are converted to more benign substances through the action of the catalytic element, which is preferably a frangible ceramic honeycomb structure having a plurality of internal passages coated with a catalytically active substance. A swaging process is used to form tubulated ends on the converter. The tabulated ends minimize production of turbulence in the gas flow and allow the converter to be connected to the rest of the exhaust system by clamped, welded, or flanged joints.
  • Automotive Exhaust Component And Method Of Manufacture

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  • US Patent:
    7252808, Aug 7, 2007
  • Filed:
    Jun 25, 2004
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    John M. Tursky - Hillsborough NJ, US
  • Assignee:
    Evolution Industries, Inc. - West Caldwell NJ
  • International Classification:
    B01D 50/00
    B21D 51/16
  • US Classification:
    422179, 422180, 29890
  • Abstract:
    A catalytic converter for an internal combustion engine exhaust system comprises a single-piece, seamless metal housing having tubulated gas inlet and outlet ports and a tubulated intermediate section with a plurality of cascaded catalytic element therein. The intermediate section is connected to the inlet port by an inlet transition section and to the outlet port by an outlet transition section. The inlet and outlet ports and the inlet and outlet transition sections are formed by swaging the ends of a seamless tube used to form the housing. Exhaust gas produced by operation of the engine passes into the converter and through the catalytic element. Noxious substances in the exhaust, including CO, NO, and incompletely combusted hydrocarbons are converted to more benign substances through the action of the catalytic element, which is preferably a frangible ceramic honeycomb structure having a plurality of internal passages coated with a catalytically active substance. A swaging process is used to form tubulated ends on the converter. The tabulated ends minimize production of turbulence in the gas flow and allow the converter to be connected to the rest of the exhaust system by clamped, welded, or flanged joints.
  • Automotive Exhaust Component And Method Of Manufacture

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  • US Patent:
    7323145, Jan 29, 2008
  • Filed:
    Jun 15, 2004
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    John M. Tursky - Hillsborough NJ, US
  • Assignee:
    Evolution Industries, Inc. - West Caldwell NJ
  • International Classification:
    B01D 50/00
    B21D 51/16
  • US Classification:
    422179, 422180, 29890
  • Abstract:
    “Noxious substances in the exhaust, including CO, NOx, and incompletely combusted hydrocarbons are converted to more benign substances through the action of the catalytic element, which is preferably a frangible ceramic honeycomb structure having a plurality of internal passages coated with a catalytically active substance. ”“The tabulated ends minimize production of turbulence in the gas flow and allow the converter to be connected to the rest of the exhaust system by clamped, welded, or flanged joints. The one-piece, seamless construction of the converter is economical to produce and eliminates welding of housing components that tend to fail when subjected to corrosive exhaust gasses over a prolonged period of time. ”.
  • Automotive Exhaust Component And Method Of Manufacture

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  • US Patent:
    7334334, Feb 26, 2008
  • Filed:
    Jul 5, 2005
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Paul B. Lancaster - Loudon TN, US
    John M. Tursky - Hillsborough NJ, US
  • Assignee:
    Evolution Industries, Inc. - West Caldwell NJ
  • International Classification:
    B21D 51/16
    B01D 50/00
  • US Classification:
    29890, 422179, 422180
  • Abstract:
    A catalytic converter for an internal combustion engine exhaust system comprises a single-piece, seamless metal housing having tubulated gas inlet and outlet ports and a tubulated intermediate section with a catalytic element therein. The intermediate section is connected to the inlet port by an inlet transition section and to the outlet port by an outlet transition section. The inlet and outlet ports and the inlet and outlet transition sections are formed by swaging the ends of a seamless tube used to form the housing. Exhaust gas produced by operation of the engine passes into the converter and through the catalytic element. A swaging process is used to form tubulated ends on the converter.
  • Automotive Exhaust Component And Process Of Manufacture

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  • US Patent:
    7685714, Mar 30, 2010
  • Filed:
    Jan 28, 2008
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    John M. Tursky - Hillsborough NJ, US
  • International Classification:
    B21D 51/16
    B01D 50/00
  • US Classification:
    29890, 422179, 422180
  • Abstract:
    A catalytic converter for an internal combustion engine exhaust system is manufactured by a multi-step swaging process carried out in a transfer press. The press has a plurality of swaging stations that include swaging die sets that provide a graduated series of swaging steps. The process is operated continuously, with one of the swaging steps being carried out in each station during each press stroke.
  • Pilot Tube Assembly And Method For Gas Appliance Ranges

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  • US Patent:
    20060286497, Dec 21, 2006
  • Filed:
    Jun 15, 2006
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    John Tursky - Hillsborough NJ, US
  • International Classification:
    F23Q 9/00
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A pilot tube assembly comprises a gas inlet tube and a pilot tip with a central aperture. During delivery of gas, one or more apertures of the assembly aspirate ambient air to provide a combustible mixture. A central tapered bore of the assembly receives a gas inlet tube. The tapered bore of the pilot tip is swaged with a gas inlet tube by application of force. The taper angle of central tapered bore ranges from about 1 to 2 degrees, and is preferably 1.5 degrees, with respect to the center line of the pilot tip to enable swaging action at reasonable pressures and to enable a large thermal contact area between the pilot tip and gas inlet tube, thereby equilibrating their temperatures and preventing separation due to thermal expansion.
  • Jardin Gem, A Set Of Identifier Stratagems, With Accessories

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  • US Patent:
    6195926, Mar 6, 2001
  • Filed:
    Aug 22, 1997
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Corinne L. Jarl - Belle Mead NJ
    John M. Tursky - Somerville NJ
  • International Classification:
    G09F 2300
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    Jardin Gem is a set of three multipurpose, independent identifier stratagems. Jardin Gem Topper is the primary device and is a hose support/hose guard/holder/identifier with a variety of configurated tops through which each top a hose can be laced or something attached. Every top also serves as a push-pull handle to put its opposite end into soil, predrilled wood, a cored brick, or whatever. The secondary identifier is the Jardin Gem Straww used as a marker while in the ground before, during, and after plant growth. If a Topper is slid into a Straww, the latter functions as an auxiliary identifier or when a watering, soaker, or sprinkler hose needs to be laced through a series of tops. The third device is the Jardin Gem Barr. . . a single Jardin Gem Straww nested in between two elbow connectors. . .


Brad Tursky/John Hysell vs Porter Barr/Sammy ...

Brad Tursky/John Hysell vs Porter Barr/Sammy Lee 5.0 19+ Mens Doubles ...

  • Duration:
    28m 55s

Zane Navratil/DJ Young vs Quinton Birkeness/B...

Zane Navratil/DJ Young vs Quinton Birkeness/Brad Tursky APP St. Louis ...

  • Duration:

The Teskey Brothers - Live at Gum Gully

Audio captured by Nao Anzai Video captured and edited by John Fish Stu...

  • Duration:
    30m 57s

Jack Foster/Ryler DeHeart vs Brad Tursky/Quin...

Jack Foster/Ryler DeHeart vs Brad Tursky/Quinton Birkeness APP St. Lou...

  • Duration:
    33m 20s

Subway Handrails by G & J Steel & Tubing, Inc.

Subway Hand Rails manufactured by G & J Steel & Tubing, Inc.

  • Duration:
    5m 16s

David Torkanowsky - Dr. John Tribute - Live f...

David Torkanowsky plays a set in tribute to Dr. John, who passed on Ju...

  • Duration:
    26m 51s


John Tursky Photo 2

John Tursky

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