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John Wensing
John Wensink vs. J.-Bob "Battleship" Kelly
John Wensink pulls the hair of J.-Bob "Battleship" Kelly in this fight...
Justin and James rap battle
Friend told me to upload this... i think Justin wins (on the left)
5m 21s
Paul Holmgren vs John Wensink, Mel Bridgman v...
Paul Holmgren vs John Wensink, Mel Bridgman vs Ray Bourque from the Ph...
1m 36s
Patrick Wensing (University of Notre Dame): T...
The talk was given as part of the ICRA 2021 workshop on recent advance...
1h 3m 34s
Death and the Afterlife | Catholic Views
Fr. Michael Wensing is back in the studio to discuss his new manuscrip...
John Wensing 1934 graduate of Menominee High School in Menominee, MI is on See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with John and other high school ...