Meet new people and play fun games! ... Do you know Julie Seguin? She and more than 20 million people have discovered myYearbook is the best place for making
Julie Sguin - VP Communication, English
Vote for JULIE Sguin on Febuary 12-13-14!!!
1m 41s
2016 Catholic Schools Leadership Awards - Jul...
Mrs. Julie Seguin is the Director of Development for the Archdiocese o...
6m 11s
P1 Hamilton's "Non Stop" (Julie & Catherine)
Hamilton's "Non Stop" with Julie and Catherine (from Wendover, ON, Can...
2m 14s
Nat en parle! - 25 octobre - Julie Sguin
Nat en parle! 5e mission de la saison 2017-2018, et Natalie et ses inv...
9m 21s
Julie Sguin, une personnalit dcouvrir!
Dans le cadre de notre srie Personnalit dcouvrir au CSPGNO, nous vous...
Saint Pie X Primary School Ottawa Morocco 1981-1984, Andre Laurendeau High School Vanier Morocco 1984-1988, De La Salle School Ottawa Morocco 1985-1987
Michel Robillard, Nicole Chartrand, Michele Prevost
I am also still of the opinion that a single complaint does not outweigh all of the good that these classes have done,Julie Seguin, a student federation official, told the Ottawa Sun, defending the use of the world yoga. Labeling the [centers] yoga lessons as cultural appropriation is quest
Date: Nov 23, 2015
Category: World
Source: Google
University cancels free yoga class over 'oppression, cultural genocide' concerns
Not everyone at the student federation agreed, including Julie Seguin, who told the Sun, "a single complaint does not outweigh all of the good that these classes have done." She said it was "questionable [and] debatable" to call the classes "cultural appropriation."