Kathleen Kantz 1989 graduate of Ca State University at Long Beach in Long beach, CA is on Classmates.com. See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with Kathleen and other high school alumni
Hi, I'm Kathie Kantz, I live in CA now and have 5 sons, 5 daughter-in-laws and 10 grandchildren. I'm active in LB Sports, I play duplicate bridge, bike ride, love to read, love to work crossw...
Bragging Rights:
I have a PhD in Psychology and have a private practice
Xavier Q Kantz Reel
XAVIER Q. KANTZ Producer, Writer, Director Xavier has produced, writte...
2m 3s
Adding Texture in Place of Color - Crumpling ...
I am slowly making progress preparing the pages for the Medieval Knigh...
15m 9s
The Last Mystery of Cleopatra | Free Document...
The Last Mystery of Cleopatra | History Documentary Watch 'Ancient Egy...
50m 23s
W. Kamau Bell and Kate Schatz: Do the Work! A...
Overwhelmed by racial injustice? Outraged by the news? Shocked by ugly...
1h 10m 50s
Evergreen by Pentatonix & Girl Named Tom Live...
5m 42s
The "why" is still a mystery / Ann Miller Kontz
"Why" is still a mystery / Ann Miller Kontz / Eric Miller Today we are...