Kathryn Vail's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Kathryn Vail keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, keep each other's ...
Woodstock Centennial Elementary School Woodstock NB 1989-1993, Southern Carleton Intermediate School Woodstock NB 1993-1995, Woodstock Junior High School Woodstock NB 1995-1997
Jane Palmer, Andrew Martell, Doyle Renolds, Joanne Kelly
Springhurst Elementary School Dobbs Ferry NY 1989-1990, Wescott Elementary School Northbrook IL 1991-1993, Heritage Lakes Elementary School Carol Stream IL 1994-1994, Jay Stream Middle School Carol Stream IL 1994-1996
Jamie Baldwin, Ryan Pickens, Preston Girard, Lana Arellanez, Erica Simonetti, Sara Benitez, Travis Likert, Jenny Alvarado, Lyndsey Cole, Elena Borisova
Kathryn Vail (1991-1993), James Yang (1979-1980), Josh Weinstein (1993-1999), Andy Zweibel (1994-2000), Amy Pedraja (1969-1970), Thomas Cook (1955-1958)