Bragging Rights:
I can do many things, including, but not limited to: write a search warrant; track a man or animal; make an omelet, yogurt, tortillas, crêpes, and a full course meal for a large gathering; fall a tree, split rounds and stack wood; climb a sheer rock face; install a gas water heater, sew on a button, make a shirt, and belt on a great kilt; build and command a robot; embroider, tat, crochet, knit, and spin; snowshoe; sketch, paint, make a map; shoot a portrait or nude in infrared; use a compass; work metal, make jewelry, throw a ceramic pot, plate, or vase; solder, braze and weld; build a fire; do First Aid; do basic math; identify Laetiporus, Amanita, Coprinopsis, and other Fungi; penetration test and then secure a system, build a cluster computer, and speak geek at a fair level; negotiate a conflict; pick a lock; throw a party; build a radio from household junk; write a letter, a technical document or weave a good tale; shoot a bow, rifle, shotgun, pistol, or camera; swim, canoe, row, and kayak; use a microscope, telescope or define a project scope; ride a bike, skateboard, snowboard, horse, or break a llama; plant a tree; make a trail; and navigate by the stars.