Dr. Smith graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine in 1999. She works in Palo Alto, CA and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Smith is affiliated with El Camino Hospital, Stanford Hospital and Washington Hospital.
Guntersville Family Practice 1241 Blount Ave, Guntersville, AL 35976 2565826377 (phone), 2565826376 (fax)
Grant Family Practice 5447 Main St, Grant, AL 35747 2567282272 (phone), 2567282282 (fax)
Ms. Smith works in Grant, AL and 1 other location and specializes in Family Medicine. Ms. Smith is affiliated with Marshall Medical Center North and Marshall Medical Center South.
Online Marketing Executive at Quark Expeditions Broad-based marketing background, online and offline, print design to eCommerce. Industry-focused on travel, but have dabbled in tech, lifestyle, and finance... Broad-based marketing background, online and offline, print design to eCommerce. Industry-focused on travel, but have dabbled in tech, lifestyle, and finance. Making something out of nothing is my forte.
Hey, I'm Kristina I have a lot of great friends, but i know there's those three that will always be there (Alex, Blake, and Tyler) I can get quiet when I'm shy or tired xD. ooo i forgot to...
I'm Not Short, I'm Fun-sized
Bragging Rights:
7 years dancing, i can do a split,
Kristina Smith
Studiocom - Account Supervisor
University of Florida - M.A.D.V. Advertising, Vanderbilt University - B.A. English
Kristina Smith
Pierce College - Business
The Wolf is my Lakota Souix spirit animal. Represents Ā strength, courage, wisdom beyond my years, loyalty, perseverance, success and protective of friends and family.
Singer/Actress/Director/Filmma... and Script Writer/Model
Bragging Rights:
Won 2nd place in National Songwriting Competition 02', Won a Creative Writing Scholarship 04', One of the Winners for Hollywood Foreign Press Scholarship in 2011,,traveled by myself and have been to all 50 states and overseas, tandeum jumped out of a plane at 14,000 ft over the Great Barrier Reef
Kristina Smith
Grey Global Group - Intern
University of California, Berkeley - Media Studies
Campus School Monmouth OR 1980-1981, Lyle Elementary School Dallas OR 1981-1986, Leslie Middle School Salem OR 1987-1988, Keizer Christian School Keizer OR 1987-1989
Leah Kuehn, Greg Underwood, Kristi Stebbins, Silvia Henry, Kay Hyder, Donna Salata
I can't say life has been easy but overall it's been pretty ok!
I spent 2 ...
North Landing Elementary School Virginia Beach VA 1989-1995, Landstown Middle School Virginia Beach VA 1995-1997, Princess Anne Middle School Virginia Beach VA 1997-1998