(NECN: Alison King, Boston) - Marty Walsh had already made one campaign stop when he arrived at his Dorchester polling place with his longtime girlfriend Laurie Higgins to vote for himself Tuesday morning.
Still, the majority of Scout troops are sponsored by conservative and religious groups that oppose open homosexuality. It will be those families and supporters who may walk away, said Laurie Higgins, cultural analyst for the Illinois Family Institute a nonprofit advocacy group based in Carol Stream.
Date: May 29, 2013
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Spirit Day – A Sober Reminder Why We Need to Support LGBT Youth
Do I go negative and write a cheap shot about the despicable, hurtful, ignorant language of Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute in reaction to the East Aurora School Board enacting policies to protect transgender youth?
We are discouraged and troubled by this effort, although not surprised, said Laurie Higgins, a cultural analyst at Illinois Family Institute (IFI). Lambda Legal and their allies never had any intention of being satisfied with our civil union law that passed last year, she said, adding that IFI l