GlaxoSmithKline (Public Company; Research industry): Principal Scientist, (2007-Present) I work in the department of screening and compound profiling in Collegeville, PA. This department is part of Molecular Discovery Research (MDR). We support many aspects of the GSK drug dis...
Kimbra (Featuring Sam Lawrence) "Wandering Li...
ABOUT THE EPISODE "I'm going to dangle my feet over the wire", croons ...
5m 44s
Lawrence Scarpa Lecture: Ordinary and Extraor...
Buildings need context to be understood and to be relevant. Context cr...
53m 45s
This is Lawrence - Indigenize Education
Matika Wilbur, a visual storyteller from the Swinomish and Tulalip tri...
2m 39s
wiatosaw Szewczuk Sviatoslav Shevchuk
5m 14s
The Richest Man In The Poorest Country In The...
The story of Lawrence Lual Malong Yor Jr. He is the richest man in the...
9m 4s
Student ambassador series: Life in Lawrence
The student ambassador series is a video series that highlights the Un...