Leslie Sickles (1976-1980), Barbara Duby (1984-1988), Robert Labombard (1963-1967), Rich Thomas (1968-1972), Lisa Rockwell (1971-1975), Lori Christian (1973-1977)
Daniel Sickles: The Colorful and Controversia...
Few Gettysburg personalities are as controversial and compelling as Da...
1h 8m 55s
Mountain at Woodstock August 1969
Leslie West lead guitarist for Mountain passed away today Decedmber 23...
9m 58s
Chris Derose on the Trial of the 19th Century...
Over 130 years before the O.J. Simpson #trial, another murder case was...
15m 36s
Leslie-Ann's Sickle Cell Story
Leslie-Ann comes from a Dominican background, and struggled to communi...
3m 20s
The Congressional Hearings on Meade at Gettys...
General George Meade had to appear before a congressional subcommittee...
1h 31m 2s
Meade at Gettysburg
Dr. Jen Murray from Oklahoma State University joins CWI Director Dr. P...